Resource Center

City Farm


2002 to present

It makes sense that the Resource Center, the venerable Chicago nonprofit that has led the way in innovative recycling, upcycling, and farming techniques for 35 years, would also be a pioneer in urban farming. Their mission to deflect the abundant waste in cities while improving the quality of life of urban dwellers extended naturally to agriculture. Turning neglected fallow land into sustainable farms, the center operates more than 20 productive plots that are financially self-sufficient, employs neighborhood residents, and sells vegetables on site and to local restaurants. The center’s flagship City Farm sits in the middle of a downtown housing project and has played a key role in strengthening its community. City Farm is a proven model that supports the local economy by growing food, jobs, beauty, and change.

Accessibility, Community, Economy, Information, Pleasure, Sustainability
60,000 - 100,000 per acre
1 - 6 months per acre
5 - 40 employed workers + 100's of volunteers
Problem - abundant wasted resources
Solution - recycling, upcycling, and farming